EP109 | SequelChat Review of RAMBO: Last Blood | SequelQuest

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11 years after the events in Berma, John Rambo has settled in back at his family ranch in Arizona, caring for some friends & their children as if they were his own family. But when one of them gets a wild hair and runs off to Mexico in search of her deserter of a father, all hell breaks loose for Rambo down in old Mexico. Revenge is sought but who will shed the "Last Blood?"
11 years after the events in Berma, John Rambo has settled in back at his family ranch in Arizona, caring for some friends & their children as if they were his own family. But when one of them gets a wild hair and runs off to Mexico in search of her deserter of a father, all hell breaks loose for Rambo down in old Mexico. Revenge is sought but who will shed the "Last Blood?"

Adam, Colton, & Jeramy rode into theaters to experience what's left of the 73 year old Sly Stallone & witness the brutal nature of a beast that Rambo has "kept a lid on."
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Intro Music
Music: "Let's Go Back" performed by Donovan Raitt
Music: Bensound.com "Instinct"
Exit Music
Music: "Let's Go Back" performed by Donovan Raitt
Technical Producer: Jeramy Hubbard
Social Media Producer: Adam Pope & Jeramy Hubbard
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EP109 | SequelChat Review of RAMBO: Last Blood | SequelQuest
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